Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cute Crafty Canisters

My husband purchased these glass canisters before we got married, and I've never been thrilled with them. There's no rubber gasket around the lid to prevent the glass from chipping into your flour! But I saw this super cute craft project in my ReadyMade magazine and I thought I'd give it a try.

This project uses glass etch cream to label glass containers in the kitchen. I got the bottle of glass etch at Hobby Lobby and it was like $9 for the smallest bottle. Now, unless I go crazy and decide to etch all the windows in my apartment (the landlord would LOVE that), I'll never use up this bottle. But still, $9? I used a coupon. You know I'm thrifty like that!

The hardest part of this project is cutting out your stencils. I'm not super great with an X-ACTO knife, so when I was at a local scrapbooking place (*shudder*) using their gear, I used their die-cuts on the contact paper to make my letters. Then all I had to do was peel the backing off, line up my stencils, and apply the etch cream.

I think they turned out pretty cute, and overall it was a really easy project. Yay!


  1. they are really cute! I have some glass containers like the ones they have in the Ready Made tutorial, I think I might have to make a trip to the craft store!

  2. these look fantastic! I was directed here from your comment on the ReadyMade post... I wanted to see another example =) and now I'm definitely going to make these. I'm gluten intolerant so I have tons of jars of flours... and sometimes it's hard to differentiate them! this will be oh-so-perfect.

    I do have one question: in the ReadyMade tutorial, they outlined a section with masking tape to make a border area around the letters. I don't see this in yours - did you apply the etching cream just around the letters? In other words, are the letters themselves etched, or just the a little space surrounding them...? either way, I'm sure it would save a lot of etching cream for future projects!

  3. Jeni,
    You are right. The Readymade tutorial left the letters un-etched and etched a block around them. I did the opposite, etching the letters. So I had to make stencils that left the letters as the empty space (to put the cream over.)
    Haha, that isn't confusing until you have to put it into words! :)
    I'm so glad I tried this project! I'm trying to think of something I could etch for Christmas gifts, any ideas?

  4. get some plastidip and dunk the edge of the jar mouth in the dip to create a rubberized edge - prevent chipping

  5. Madrigorne,
    I'd never heard of that before but I will definitely investigate! Thanks for the suggestion. :)

  6. Is there anyway to subscribe to your blog posts via email?

  7. Teapotrose,
    I think you can just Follow the blog by clicking the Follow button at the bottom of the page.
    I update pretty much on an as-I-feel-like-it basis, so don't expect regular notices!
    And thanks for your interest! :)

  8. Where can you get rubber seals for inside the lids?
